Action of Information
Economic Institute Banja Luka, 2021.Continuation of my information theory research with some new considerations of physical information, especially in situations of its action — products of energy and time.
Minimalism of Information
Economic Institute Banja Luka, 2020.Physical information and applications. The first part of the book is popular explanations; the second part is mathematical support. The backbone of both parts is the principle of information, mostly its minimalism, otherwise a new field in information theory.
Physical information
Economic Institute Banja Luka, rough translation, 2019. The Shannon information redefined to satisfy conservation law. The first part of the book has answers to some popular questions about information, and the second part is a mathematical analysis through the distributions.
Economic Institute Banja Luka, the first rough translation from Serbian, 2018. Choices for animate and inanimate. Semi-popular interpreted quantum mechanics on less than 100 pages, with strong emphasis on a new definition of physical information with some mathematics, a little more thought experiments and philosophical interpretations.
Quantum Mechanics
Economic Institute Banja Luka, 2018, the first rough translation from Serbian, 2019. The representation of continuum of metrical and vector spaces. Algebra, representations, continuum and physics. A lot of formulas, definitions, propositions and proves, at almost 400 pages.
Economic Institute Banja Luka, 2017, the first rough translation from Serbian. The principles of physics randomness and its role in the production of matter, space and time. The principle of probability (the often is more probably), the principle of information (nature is stingy) and the principle of entropy (the more the better), mainly in mechanics.
Information of Perception
Economic Institute Banja Luka, 2016, the first rough translation from Serbian. The Information of Perception is equal to the scalar product of the intelligence and hierarchy vectors. The intelligence makes abilities of the individual to use the given possibilities, and the hierarchy makes the abilities of the environment to deny them the opportunity.
Computing the mechanical statistics
February 13, 2015. There are three basic statistics of physics considered here: classical, bosons and fermions. We calculate discrete cases and default information, by Python 2.7.3. Then we find the well-known formulas assuming the distribution of individual particles are equally probable, and the most probable is the most commonly implemented.
Recursions in the quantum statistics
February 1, 2015. This is the math review of development in series of the three physical distributions, including the information: classic thermodynamic gas, bosons and fermions. The central place of the research is the development of the functions in Taylor’s series. The main calculations are about the corresponding recursive equations. It is considered only the continuous probability distribution.
Information - The Maxwell, Bose and Fermi statistics
January 20, 2015. We are looking for Shannon’ information of the three main energy distributions, classical Maxwell-Boltzmann and the two quantum, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac. This is the continuation of the article Statistics.
Statistics - Distributions and information of Plank’s law
January 13, 2015. This is a brief overview of some important results in statistics, math probability and distributions in physics. It is the reminder for the Binomial distribution and its boundary cases the Poisson and Gaussian distribution, and also to the geometric distributions. But the most important result is the information of the Planck’s radiation.
Bosons the integer spin particles
January 7, 2015. Boson is a subatomic particle, such as a photon, that has zero or integral spin and follows the Bose-Einstein’s statistic. The gauges bosons are kind of particles-connections on each end of a line are fermions.
Fermions the half-integer spin particles
January 3, 2015. Fermion is a subatomic particle that has half-integer spin. We considered the Fermi-Dirac statistics, which is valid for this type of particles. Then are discussed the anti-commutativity, and the Pauli matrices.
The General Science Journal
The original and continued purpose of the site is to provide an opportunity for public presentation of scientific theories without prior and arbitrary assessment, criticism or rejection by the recipient. In 2014, I used this portal to publish several texts.
The site for free uploads of scientific and philosophical papers I have used from about 2014.
Archimedes Banja Luka
This is the Association of Teachers of Mathematics and Sciences I had registered in Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska which was most active in the period from 2002 to 2005. It does not exist now.